Operation of Your Treadmill
Getting familiar with the control panel
XT200 Console
XT600 / XT800 Console
XT200 / XT600 / XT800
Incline Feature:
Incline may be adjusted anytime after belt movement.
Press and hold the Adjust ▲ ▼ keys (console or hand rail) to achieve desired
level of effort. You may also choose a more rapid increase / decrease by selecting
desired key, 2 through 12, on left hand side of console (incline).
The display will indicate incline percent as adjustments are made.
Incline will remain in it’s position when display is turned off.
Dot Matrix Center Display (Manual Operation)
Twenty rows of Red (Tri-color on XT600/XT800) “dots”(8 high) indicate each segment of
a workout. The dots are only to show an approximate level (speed/incline) of effort.
They do not necessarily indicate a specific value - only an approximate percent to
compare levels of intensity. In Manual Operation the Speed / Incline dot matrix window
will build a profile “picture” as values are changed during a workout.
Next to the Dot Matrix window are three LEDs labeled: Track, Speed and Incline, along
with a Display button. When the Track LED is lit the Dot matrix displays the Track profile,
when the Speed LED is lit the Dot matrix displays the Speed profile and when the
Incline LED is lit the Dot Matrix displays the Incline profile. You may change the Dot
Matrix profile view by pressing the Display button. After scrolling through the three
profiles, by pressing the Display button, the Dot matrix will automatically scroll through
the three displays showing each one for four seconds. The LED associated with each
profile will blink while that view is displayed. One more press of the Display button will
return you to the Track profile.
1/4 Mile Track*:
The 1/4 mile track will be displayed around the dot matrix window. The flashing dot
indicates your progress. Once the 1/4 mile is complete this feature will begin again.
Pulse Grip Feature:
The Pulse (Heart Rate) console window will display your current heart rate in beats per
minute during the workout. You must use both stainless steel sensors on the front cross
bar to display your pulse. Pulse value displays anytime the upper display is receiving a
Grip Pulse signal. You may not use the Grip Pulse feature while in Heart Rate Control.
Note: Refer to Important Safety Instructions (page 2) concerning Pulse Grip operation.
Calorie Display:
Displays the cumulative calories burned at any given time during your workout.
Note: This is only a rough guide used for comparison of different exercise sessions, which
cannot be used for medical purposes.
XT200 / XT600 / XT800
Auto-Pilot feature
This unique feature allows the user to instantly enter the Heart Rate Control mode at any
time with the press of a button.
The HR2 program button also doubles as the Auto-Pilot button.
During any program the user may press the Auto-Pilot button to enter the HRC program.
Your current heart rate (the heart rate you are at when you press Auto-Pilot) will be
maintained automatically by the Auto-Pilot program. You may press the elevation/incline up
or down buttons to change your target heart rate while in the Auto-Pilot mode.
The console has a built-in Speakers. You may Plug an Audio Source (CD player, MP3,
Computer ,etc.) into the Jack on the Left side of console.
There is no volume control on console, volume must be controlled by Audio Source.
To Turn Treadmill Off (Blank out Display)
Two methods accomplish this: Use either one.
(1) Display will automatically turn off (blank out) after 30 minutes (no key operations) in
Pause / Stop mode.
(2) Remove tether cord.
Programmable Features
The XT Series offers 7, factory preset programs, 2 user defined programs and one
Manual program.
Each preset program has a maximum speed level that is displayed when a desired
workout is chosen. The maximum speed that the particular program will achieve will be
displayed in the Speed window.
Also included are two user programs (User 1 and User 2) for custom workouts.
To Select a Program:
STEP 1: Press the desired PROGRAM key. Press enter to select the program. The
display will prompt you through the programming or you can just press Start to begin the
program with default values.
STEP 2: If enter was pressed, the Time window will blink with the default value of 20
minutes. You may use any of the up/down keys to adjust the time. After adjusting, or to
accept the default, press enter. (Note: You may press start at any time during the
programming to start the program.)
XT200 / XT600 / XT800
STEP 3: The Calorie window will now be blinking a value, which is your Body Weight.
Entering the correct body weight will affect the calorie count. Use the Up/Down keys to
adjust, then press enter.
A note about the Calorie display: No exercise machine can give you an exact calorie
count because there are too many factors which determine exact calorie burn for a
particular person. Even if someone is the exact same body weight, age and height, their
calorie burn may be very different than yours. The Calorie display is to be used as a
reference only to monitor improvement from workout to workout.
STEP 4: The Heart Rate window will now be blinking a value, which is your Age.
Entering your correct age affects the heart rate Bar Graph Display (XT600 / XT800
only) and the Heart Rate Control programs. Use the Up/Down keys to adjust, then
press enter.
Your age determines the maximum heart rate you may achieve. Since the Bar Graph
Display and the Heart Rate control features are based on a percentage of your
maximum heart rate, it is important to enter the correct age for these features to work
STEP 5: The Speed window will now be blinking the preset top speed of the selected
program. Use the Up/Down keys to adjust, then press enter. Each program has various
speed changes through out, this allows you to limit the highest speed the program can
User Programs:
STEP 1: Select User 1 or User 2 via the PROGRAM key then press Enter. Note that
the dot matrix display portion will have a single row of dots at the bottom (Unless there
is a previously stored program).
STEP 2: Note the clock (Time) window is flashing. Use the Adjust ▲ ▼ keys to adjust
up from 10 minutes (if desired). Press ENTER key. This is a must to continue even if
time is not adjusted.
STEP 3: The Calorie window will now be blinking a bodyweight value. Enter your
bodyweight and press Enter.
STEP 4: The Pulse window will now be blinking an Age value. Adjust the age and press
STEP 5: The first column (segment) will now be blinking. Using the Fast / Slow keys,
adjust the speed level to your desired effort for the first segment then press enter. The
second column will now be blinking. Repeat the above process until all segments have
been programmed. The first column will be blinking again. This is for the incline
programming. Repeat the above process to program all segments for incline.
STEP 6: Press the Start button to begin the workout and also save the program to
XT200 / XT600 / XT800
Target Heart Rate
The old motto, “no pain, no gain”, is a myth that has been overpowered by the
benefits of exercising comfortably. A great deal of this success has been promoted by
the use of heart rate monitors. With the proper use of a heart rate monitor, many people
find that their choice of exercise intensity is either too high or too low and exercise is
much more enjoyable by maintaining their heart rate in the desired benefit range.
To determine the benefit range in which you wish to train, you must first determine
your Maximum Heart Rate.
This can be accomplished
by using the following
formula: 220 - User’s Age =
Maximum Heart Rate. If you
enter your age during
programming of the console
the console will perform this
calculation automatically.
This is used for the HR
control programs and also
for the Heart rate bar graph
(XT600/ 800 only) After
calculating your Maximum
Heart Rate, you can decide
upon which goal you would
like to pursue. The two most
popular reasons for, or
goals of exercise, are
cardiovascular fitness
(training for the heart and
lungs) and weight control. The black columns on the chart above represent the
Maximum Heart Rate for a person whose age is listed at the bottom of each column.
The training heart rate, for either cardiovascular fitness or weight loss, is represented by
two different lines that cut diagonally through the chart. A definition of the lines’ goal is in
the bottom left-hand corner of the chart. If your goal is cardiovascular fitness or if it is
weight loss, it can be achieved by training at 90% or 70%, respectively, of your
Maximum Heart Rate on a schedule approved by your physician. Consult your physician
before participating in any exercise program.
With all Spirit Heart Rate Control treadmills, you may use the heart rate monitor feature
without using the Heart Rate Control program. This function can be used during manual
mode or during any of the nine different programs. The Heart Rate Control program
automatically controls incline.
The target value used in H-1 and H-2 programs is a suggestion only for normal, healthy
individuals. Do not exceed your limits! You may not be able to obtain your chosen target.
If in question, enter a higher age value that will set a lower target goal.
XT200 / XT600 / XT800
Using a Heart Rate Transmitter
How to wear your wireless chest strap transmitter:
1. Attach the transmitter to the elastic strap using the locking parts.
2. Adjust the strap as tightly as possible as long as the strap is not too tight to remain
3. Position the transmitter with the Spirit logo centered in the middle of your body facing
away from your chest (some people must position the transmitter slightly left of center).
Attach the final end of the elastic strap by inserting the round end and, using the locking
parts, secure the transmitter and strap around your chest.
4. Position the transmitter immediately below the pectoral muscles.
5. Sweat is the best conductor to measure very minute heart beat electrical signals.
However, plain water can also be used to pre-wet the electrodes (2 black square areas
on the reverse side of the belt and either side of transmitter). It’s also recommended
that you wear the transmitter strap a few minutes before your work out. Some users,
because of body chemistry, have a more difficult time in achieving a strong, steady
signal at the beginning. After “warming up”, this problem lessens. As noted, wearing
clothing over the transmitter/strap doesn’t affect performance.
6. Your workout must be within range - distance between transmitter/receiver – to
achieve a strong steady signal. The length of range may vary somewhat but generally
stay close enough to the console to maintain good, strong, reliable readings. Wearing
the transmitter immediately against bare skin assures you of proper operation. If you
wish, you may wear the transmitter over a shirt. To do so, moisten the areas of the shirt
that the electrodes will rest upon.
Note: The transmitter is automatically activated when it detects activity from the user’s heart. Additionally,
it automatically deactivates when it does not receive any activity. Although the transmitter is water
resistant, moisture can have the effect of creating false signals, so you should take precautions to
completely dry the transmitter after use to prolong battery life (estimated transmitter battery life is 2500
hours). The replacement battery is Panasonic CR2032.
Erratic Operation:
Caution! Do not use this treadmill for Heart Rate Control unless a steady, solid
Actual Heart Rate value is being displayed. High, wild, random numbers being
displayed indicate a problem.
Areas to look for on interference:
(1) Treadmill not properly grounded - A must!
(2) Microwave ovens, T.V.’s, small appliances, etc.
(3) Fluorescent lights.
(4) Some household security systems.
(5) Perimeter fence for a pet.
(6) Loose treadmill console / upright.
Special Operations of Heart Rate Functions:
All Spirit treadmills that are factory equipped with a Heart Rate Control system have
many distinct features both in the Heart Rate Control program and during heart rate
monitoring. This section will give you a more detailed background to use your treadmill
in the most effective manner.
XT200 / XT600 / XT800
How the Heart Rate Control Program Works:
Heart Rate Control uses your treadmill’s incline system to adjust your heart rate.
Increases and decreases in elevation affect heart rate much more efficiently than
changes in speed. Additionally, changes in incline keep you in control of the machine’s
speed instead of the machine controlling you.
Selecting a Heart Rate Control Program:
You have the option, during the setup mode, to choose either the Weight Control (H-1)
program or the Cardiovascular (H-2) program. Weight Control attempts to maintain your
heart rate at 70% of your Maximum Heart Rate. Cardiovascular attempts to maintain
your heart rate at 90% of your Maximum Heart Rate. Your Maximum Heart Rate is
based upon a formula that subtracts your age from 220. Your age input is performed
during the setup mode.
The target value used in H-1 and H-2 programs is a suggestion only for normal,
healthy individuals. Do not exceed your limits! You may not be able to obtain
your chosen target. If in question, enter a higher age value that will set a lower
target goal.
Heart Rate Control
Intended for wireless transmitter chest strap only. Do not use Pulse Grip bar for
Heart Rate Control. You must receive a strong / steady value in heart rate window.
STEP 1: Press HR1 or HR2 button.
STEP 2: The Pulse window will be blinking, showing the default HR for this program.
You may adjust it and press enter if you want or just press enter to accept the default
STEP 3: The Calorie will now be blinking showing bodyweight. Adjust and press enter
or press enter to accept default.
STEP 4: The Pulse window will now be blinking showing age. Adjust and press enter or
press enter to accept default.
STEP 5: The Time window will now be blinking. Adjust the time and press enter.
STEP 6: Press Start to begin program.
XT200 / XT600 / XT800
General Maintenance
Belt and Bed - Your treadmill uses a very high-efficient low-friction bed. Performance is
maximized when the bed is kept as clean as possible. Use a soft, damp cloth or paper
towel to wipe the edge of the belt and the area between the belt edge and frame. Also
reach as far as practical directly under the belt edge. This should be done once a month
to extend belt and bed life. Use water only - no cleaners or abrasives. A mild soap and
water solution along with a nylon scrub brush will clean the top of the textured belt.
Allow to dry before using.
Belt Dust - This occurs during normal break-in or until the belt stabilizes. Wiping excess
off with a damp cloth will minimize buildup.
General Cleaning - Dirt, dust, and pet hair can block air inlets and accumulate on the
running belt. On a monthly basis, vacuum underneath your treadmill to prevent buildup.
Once a year, you should remove the black motor hood and vacuum out dirt that may
Treadbelt Tension Adjustment - Belt tension is not critical for most users. It is very
important for joggers and runners in order to provide a smooth, steady running surface.
Adjustment must be made from the right side of the rear roller in order to adjust tension
with the 6 mm Allen wrench provided in the parts package. The adjustment bolt is
located at the end of the right side rail as noted in diagram below.
Tracking / Tension
Tracking / Tension
Note: Adjustment is through small hole in end
Tighten the rear roller only enough to prevent slippage at the front roller. Turn the
treadbelt tension adjusting bolt in increments of 1/4 turn and inspect for proper tension.
When an adjustment is made to the belt tension, you must also make a tracking
adjustment to compensate for the change in belt tension. This is accomplished by
turning both the tension and tracking Allen bolts an equal amount. This adjustment
should be made by turning both bolts clockwise by no more than a 1/4 turn at a time.
DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN – Over tightening will cause belt damage and premature
bearing failure.
XT200 / XT600 / XT800
The performance of your treadmill is dependent on the frame running on a reasonably
level surface. If the frame is not level, the front and back roller cannot run parallel, and
constant belt adjustment may be necessary.
The treadmill is designed to keep the treadbelt reasonably centered while in use. It is
normal for some belts to drift near one side while the belt is running with no one on it.
After a few minutes of use, the treadbelt should have a tendency to center itself. If,
during use, the belt continues to move toward one side, adjustments are necessary.
A 6 mm Allen wrench is provided to adjust the rear roller. Make tracking adjustments
from the left side only. Set belt
speed at approximately 2 to 3 mph.
A small adjustment can make a
dramatic difference. Turn the bolt
only a 1/4 turn and wait a few
minutes for the belt to adjust itself.
Continue to make 1/4 turns until the
belt stabilizes in the center of the
running deck. The belt may require
periodic tracking adjustment
depending on use and
walking/running characteristics. Some users will affect tracking differently. Expect to
make adjustments as required to center the treadbelt. Adjustments will become less of a
maintenance concern as the belt is used. Proper belt tracking is an owner responsibility
common with all treadmills.
Do not re-lube with other than Spirit lubricant. Spirit provides one application with this
unit. See your Spirit dealer for additional purchases. The use of some other lubricants
may destroy the deck surface or belt and will void warranty. Conditions exist beyond
Spirit’s control on belt / deck cleanliness which relates to friction.
You should apply the enclosed belt lubrication after approximately the first 50 hours of
operation. Use all the contents of one container (no more) and spread lubricant onto
middle portion (away from edges) of the deck (under treadbelt) along its width. When
walked on, the belt will make certain an even coat is applied. Lubricant is not harmful to
the skin. Lube will be distributed properly by walking at 2 to 3 mph for 3 to 5 minutes on
all areas of the belt. Use handrails for support. The first few minutes you will be
polishing your deck and lubricating the belt backing. Do not run on a newly lubricated
belt until the above break-in procedure is done. If the treadmill belt/deck is kept
reasonably clean it is possible to expect over 1000 hours before additional re-lubing is
XT200 / XT600 / XT800
Service Checklist - Diagnosis Guide
Before contacting your dealer for aid, please review the following information. It may
save you both time and expense. This list includes common problems that may not be
covered under the treadmill’s warranty.
Display does not light
Tether cord not in position.
Circuit breaker on front grill tripped. Push circuit
breaker in until it locks.
Plug is disconnected. Make sure plug is firmly pushed
into AC household wall outlet.
Household circuit breaker may be tripped.
Treadmill defect. Contact your Spirit dealer.
Treadbelt does not stay centered
Treadmill belt hesitates when walked/run on
A user may be walking while favoring or putting more
weight on either the left or right foot. If this walking
pattern is natural, track the belt slightly off-center to
the side opposite from the belt movement. See
General Maintenance section on Treadbelt Tension.
Adjust as necessary.
Motor is not responsive / Display is lit
Make certain clock is running.
Treadmill will only achieve approximately
7 mph but shows higher speed on display
This indicates motor should be receiving power to
operate. Low AC voltage to treadmill. Do not use an
extension cord. If an extension cord is required it
should be as short as possible and heavy duty 16
gauge minimum. Low household voltage. Contact an
electrician or your Spirit dealer. A minimum of 110
volt AC current is required.
Treadbelt stops quickly/suddenly when
tether cord is pulled
High belt/deck friction. See General Maintenance
section on lubrication.
Treadmill trips on board 15 amp circuit
High belt/deck friction. See General Maintenance
Computer shuts off when console is
touched (on a cold day)while walking/running
Treadmill is not grounded. Static electricity is
“crashing” the computer. Refer to Grounding
Instructions on page 4.
XT200 / XT600 / XT800
Manufacturer’s Limited Warranty
Effective October 15, 2005
Spirit Manufacturing Inc. warrants all its home use treadmills’ parts for a period of 5 years from the date of retail sale, as determined by sale
receipt, or eighteen (18) months from the original factory shipping date, whichever comes first. Spirit’s responsibilities include providing new or
remanufactured parts, at Spirit’s option, and technical support to our independent dealers and servicing organizations. In the absence of a dealer
or service organization, these warranties will be administered by Spirit directly to a consumer. An extended warranty period applies to the
following components:
Drive Motor
Deck Wear
Electronics / Belt / Rollers
Frame Weldments
All Other Components
30 Years
5 Years
5 Years
Light Institutional WARRANTY
6hr / day maximum use
3 Years
1 Years
This warranty applies only to products in ordinary household use or light Institutional facility. The consumer is responsible for the items listed
1. The warranty registration card must be completed and returned to the address listed on the card within 10 days of the original purchase to
validate the manufacturer’s limited warranty.
2. Proper use of the treadmill in accordance with the instructions provided in this manual, including belt tracking.
3. Proper installation by an authorized Spirit service company in accordance with instructions provided with the treadmill and with all local electric
4. Proper connection to a grounded power supply of sufficient voltage, replacement of blown fuses, repair of loose connections or defects in house
5. Expenses for making the treadmill accessible for servicing, including any item that was not part of the treadmill at the time it was shipped from
the factory.
6. Damages to the treadmill finish during shipping, installation or following installation.
This warranty does not cover the following:
Note: Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so this limitation or
exclusion may not apply to you.
2. Service call reimbursement to the consumer. Service call reimbursement to the dealer that does not involve malfunction or
defects in workmanship or material, for units that are beyond the warranty period, for units that are beyond the service call
reimbursement period, for treadmills not requiring component replacement, or treadmills not in ordinary household use.
3. Damages caused by services performed by persons other than authorized Spirit service companies; use of parts other than original
Spirit parts; or external causes such as alterations, modifications, abuse, misuse, accident, improper maintenance, inadequate power supply, or
acts of God.
4. Products with original serial numbers that have been removed or altered.
5. Products that have been sold, transferred, bartered, or given to a third party.
6. Products that do not have a warranty registration card on file at Spirit Mfg. Spirit reserves the right to request proof of
purchase if no warranty record exists for the product.
Keep your bill of sale. Twelve (12) months from the date on the bill of sale or eighteen (18) months from the date of factory
shipping as determined by the serial number establishes the warranty period should service be required. If service is performed,
it is in your best interest to obtain and keep all receipts. This written warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have
other rights that vary from state to state. Service under this warranty must be obtained by following these steps, in order:
1. Contact your selling authorized Spirit dealer. OR
2. Contact your local authorized Spirit service organization.
3. If there is a question as to where to obtain service, contact our service department at (870) 935-1107.
4. If no local service is available, Spirit will repair or replace the parts, at Spirit’s option, within the warranty period at no charge
for parts. All transportation costs, both to our factory and upon return to the owner, are the responsibility of the owner. The
owner is responsible for adequate packaging upon return to Spirit. Spirit is not responsible for damages in shipping. Make all
freight damage claims with the appropriate freight carrier. DO NOT SHIP ANY UNIT TO OUR FACTORY WITHOUT A RETURN
AUTHORIZATION NUMBER. All units arriving without a return authorization number will be refused.
5. For any further information, or to contact our service department by mail, send your correspondence to:
Spirit Manufacturing, Inc.
P.O. Box 2037
Jonesboro, AR 72402-2037
Product features or specifications as described or illustrated are subject to change without notice. All warranties are made by
Spirit Manufacturing, Inc. This warranty applies only in the 50 states of the U.S.A. and Canada.
XT200 / XT600 / XT800
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